17 Oct How to Optimize Facebook Ads Campaign
How to optimize Facebook ads campaign? First thing first, I want to actually get it off the hook, that optimizing Facebook ads campaign is not just about scaling.
Scaling means, for example you’re spending $100 a day, you’re making $1000. So you want to push it to $200 and hopefully you make $2000 out of it. That is scaling.
In fact scaling is not really as easy as we double down and everything is gonna be doubled. If you have tried that you know that’s not gonna work. We’ll have to design a scaling strategy to actually scale up to $200 ad spend and hopefully get as close as we can to the $2000 mark.
Our preferred scaling is 20% to 30% each time and move closer to the target ad spend, while monitoring key metrics like CPM and CTRs. We can’t rush in scaling.
On the other hand, there are many things that we can do in terms of Facebook ads optimization. For example, if your CTR (clickthrough rate) is at 0.5% and you’re getting good results as in leads and sales at costs you’re comfortable with.
Imagine if we are able to draw a strategy, test different creative directions as in ads design and copywriting, and possible placement options and increase the CTR from 0.5% to 1%. Imagine what’s going to happen to your campaign?
You’ll get double the clicks with the same amount that you’re spending. You are potentially getting potentially double the revenue or the results without adding ad spent. That’s how Facebook ads optimisation works.
That’s why I think Facebook ads optimization is a fun process every Facebook advertisers must master. You’ll need to learn how to identify optimisation opportunities by analysing your campaigns and draw a strategy to optimise it.
And Facebook ads optimisation takes patience, you’ll have to test your hypotheses one at a time. For example this week you’re testing creative, then we will only test landing page next week other wise we won’t know what’s working.
There are 2 types of Facebook ads optimisation, first is on ad optimisation where we work on the ad campaign side, such as objective, campaign structure, settings, etc.
The other type of Facebook ads optimisation is off ad optimisation.
Off ad optimisation is where we work on the journey after the click. For example, it could be a situation where you have a lot of clicks going to your website, but you have a very low percentage of them adding to cart. So what’s wrong? Possibly your audience is wrong because you brought the wrong people in, that’s why you’re not getting results from them.
The idea is we will dive into your existing campaign and draw a strategy and see what are the things that we can do to optimise your Facebook ads campaign. You can then choose to work on your own, or we can work it together to take one step at a time, hopefully to reach your goal within a month or two.
So if you are running ads on Facebook or Instagram and you’re already seeing results, and you want to take it to the next level. I’d like to invite you to signup for my one off Facebook ads review.
We will then spend 30 minutes or so via Zoom, thru screen sharing we will dive into your campaign and I’ll draw you an action plan, by giving you 3-5 optimisation points to work on.
Let’s find out what is working (or not) in your Facebook ads campaign and how to optimise it. Click here to start.
This article is edited from Jason’s video about Facebook ads optimiztion. If you need help with your Facebook ads campaign, check out Jason’s Facebook advertising services on Fiverr.