Please watch this video on how to turn on Sync on your Chrome.
If you haven't activated your account after subscribe to GroupConnect, please check your email INBOX for instruction. Look into promotion/spam/junk folder if the instruction email didnt found.
Please take note: the password that you created during CHECKOUT process is to manage your subscription. The password that you set for activation is for GroupConnect. Both are separate two system that didn't link together.
After the activation is complete. Please go to Chrome Web Store and search for GroupConnect. You can click this direct link to the download page.
You need to make a copy of Google Sheet from here.
Once you open this file, click [File] from top menu and select [Make a copy]. This will create a copy to your own Drive account.
After that, go to your own copy of the file and rename your file.
At the pop up, go to Get Link section and make sure the current option is [Anyone with the link can view]. Click the change button and select if the option is different. click Copy Link and store it first for further usage.
Make sure you are using the latest UI for Facebook and the UI language is English.
Go to your own preferred Facebook Group, and click on Member Request section.
If your extension is activated and have valid account sign in. You will see a text input added in the page, each member pending for approval show a Add to Sheet button above Approve Button
GroupConnect will capture your Facebook Group ID and to your account.
Please click on the extension Pop up to refresh your account status if you unable to see the button.
Close the tab and re-open again to see if it work.
Paste the Google Sheet link that we capture in previous steps to the text input and click Enter. It will pop up a message indicate success.
Click View Datasheet from the Pop up to open the GroupConnect Datasheet page. If all success, you will able to see the Facebook Group ID.
Click Open Google Sheet button to make sure link is correct.
Back to the Facebook Group. Click Add to Sheet if you wish to collect the member info and their answers.
Button will change to [Added successfully] once it added successfully.
You can refresh the Open Datasheet page to view added data. This is a temporary page and not yet push to Google Sheet yet.
After added successfully, you can click Approve button to approve the member to the group or decline them. Please wait a bit and make sure the approval process is completed from Facebook site.
Continue for the rest of the member.
Advice for the first timer user, please test ONE member first.
Open the extension Pop up and click Open Datasheet to go to GroupConnect Datasheet
This is where all the data added from Facebook Group stored before push to Google Sheet.
In this GroupConnect Datasheet page, select the Facebook group and click Push to Google SHEET
Each push will only push the selected Group ID. You need to repeat the steps for each other groups.
For the first timer, it will prompt permission to grant GroupConnect to edit the Google Sheets of your GMAIL acount.
Please follow the steps and allow the App to edit your Google Sheets. If permission denied.You will not able to push data to Googel Sheet
Once permission is granted. It will push data to the google sheet that you have set just now.
You can add different Google Sheet URL for different group. Follow the previous steps for any new group.
Once completed, it will ask if you wish to delete the temporary data. If not, it will remain in the system. In the next push to Google Sheet, it will add to a new row to your Google Sheet, creating duplicate data.
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If you encounter any issue, please follow the steps for troubleshooting.